Normanby Township : Archives

Normanby Deaths

Normanby Births
Normanby Births
Normanby Births
Births: A-C [Carrick, Howick , Minto & Normanby]
Births: D-H [Carrick, Howick , Minto & Normanby]
Births: K-Z [Carrick, Howick , Minto & Normanby]
Normanby Baptisms A-G
Normanby Baptisms G-K
Normanby Baptisms K-S
Normanby Baptism : S-Y
Normanby Deaths
Marriages: Normanby
Normanby Township Marriages
Married or from Alsfeldt, Normanby Twsp
1851 Canada West /Normanby Township census
Normanby Township History & Ratepayers of 1861
Normanby Ratepayers 1861 cont'd
Normanby Township 1867 Surnames
Normanby:- Voters List 1874
Normanby : Some Residents circa 1880
Normanby Township 1881 census
Normanby Township 1881 census Part 2
Normanby Township 1881 census Part 3
1881 Normanby Census Part 4
Ayton Residents: 1901
Ayton History
Neustadt [Newstadt] History
Orchard/Orchardville History
Cemeteries : Normanby Township
Chapel Hill Cemetery M.I. Normanby Twsp.
St. James Church Normanby: Remembered
St. Paul's Church, Normanby: Membership List 1934
Surnames of Interest for BMD ( outside area)
BMD of Interest ( within area)
Wightman Telephone
Where to find information :Normanby
Map of Normanby
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Format:   SURNAME, given name(s), gender, date of death, age, birth

place,cause, length, occupation, burial location, infm & address, comments (parents and location of birth) and any other information, County,Registration No & 2 digit year (i.e. 123456-88)



WILLIS, Sydney, male, May 4, 1906, 70 years 4 months, England,  farmer,

cause:  congestion of lungs, infm:  Dr. Brown, burial:  Normanby Twp,

(Grey Co.) 011468-06.


WIDMEYER, Concordia, female, May 12, 1906, 2 years, cause: cap

bronchitis 1 week,  father:  Charles WIDMEYER, Nuestadt, infm:  Dr. W.M. Brown,burial:Nuestadt, (Grey Co.) 011469-06.


WILLIS, Anne, female, May 12, 1906, 72 years, England,  cause:  old age,infm:  Dr. Brown, burial:  Normanby (Grey Co.) 011470-06.


O'FARRELL, Ag(n)es Cecelia, female, June 26, 1906, 5 months, Normanby,cause:  Bronchial pneumonia, infm:  Dr. McNichol, father:  Thomas O'FARRELL,burial:  R.C. Normanby, (Grey Co.) 011471-06.


SNIDER, Harold Victor, male, June 17, 1906, 23 days, Normanby, cause: convulsions, 2 days, burial:  Normanby, (Grey Co.) 011472-06.


HORST, Henry, male, twin, July 21, 1906, 2 hours, Normanby, cause:Premature birth, infm:  Dr. E.F Eide,  father:  Henry HORST, burial - Normanby,(Grey Co.) 011473-06.


HORST, Mary, female, twin, July 21, 1906, 1 hour, Normanby, cause:premature birth, infm:  Dr. E.F. Eide, father -Henry HORST, burial: Normanby,(Grey Co.) 011474-06.


KEARNS, Patrick, male, June 28, 1906, 98 years, Ireland, cause:  old age and kidney failure, 6 months, infm:  John GARNEY,  no parents listed,burial;Normanby, (Grey Co.) 011475-06.


OSTRICH, John, male, August 2, 1906, 65 years, Germany,  cause:  cancer,1 month, farmer, infm:  Dr. Brown, burial: Normanby, (Grey Co.)011476-06.


WEISER, Bertha, female, September 5, 1906, 65 years 5 months, Germany,cause:  dropsy, infm:  Dr. Jones, burial;  Normanby, (Grey Co.)011477-06.


BIEMAN, Wilbert Earl, male, September 6, 1906, 5 months, Ayton, cause: dysentery, 2 weeks, burial: Normanby, (Grey Co.) 011478-06.


WEPPLER, Lena, female, September 9, 1906, 72 years, Germany, cause,hemmorage, few minutes, infm;  Dr. J.E. Easton, burial: Normanby, (Grey Co.)011479-06.


LYNCH, Duncan, male, November 1, 1906, 38 years, Normanby,  cause,cancer, 9 months, infm;  Dr. J.L. Easton, father: Mortimer LYNCH, burial:Normanby,(Grey Co.) 011480-06.


BICHEF, Catherine, female, November 8, 1906, 81 years, Germany, cause:cancer of breast, 1 year, infm:  Dr. Naftel, burial: Neustadt, (Grey Co.)011481-06.


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