Normanby Township : Archives

Cemeteries : Normanby Township

Normanby Births
Normanby Births
Normanby Births
Births: A-C [Carrick, Howick , Minto & Normanby]
Births: D-H [Carrick, Howick , Minto & Normanby]
Births: K-Z [Carrick, Howick , Minto & Normanby]
Normanby Baptisms A-G
Normanby Baptisms G-K
Normanby Baptisms K-S
Normanby Baptism : S-Y
Normanby Deaths
Marriages: Normanby
Normanby Township Marriages
Married or from Alsfeldt, Normanby Twsp
1851 Canada West /Normanby Township census
Normanby Township History & Ratepayers of 1861
Normanby Ratepayers 1861 cont'd
Normanby Township 1867 Surnames
Normanby:- Voters List 1874
Normanby : Some Residents circa 1880
Normanby Township 1881 census
Normanby Township 1881 census Part 2
Normanby Township 1881 census Part 3
1881 Normanby Census Part 4
Ayton Residents: 1901
Ayton History
Neustadt [Newstadt] History
Orchard/Orchardville History
Cemeteries : Normanby Township
Chapel Hill Cemetery M.I. Normanby Twsp.
St. James Church Normanby: Remembered
St. Paul's Church, Normanby: Membership List 1934
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Photos of all the cemeteries in Normanby should be online late Spring 2008.  If you have a photo(s) to donate please contact me.

  Cemeteries in Normanby Township, Grey County

Normanby Abandoned Cemetery - Con. 4, Lot 15

It is believed that a half acre of land was used as a burial ground prior to the 1900s . The following headstones are all that remains. John Bosomworth cemented the remaining headstones into a pad to save the remaining stones and also to preserve this once cemetery. Here is what the stones have written on them. "Mary McBride, wife of William McBride died June 16, 1865 age 50 years. John O’Gram died 1879, a native of England. John Colquhaun age 9 years" Overgrown and neglected. About this cemetery: I have a theory that this cemetery and most of the people buried in where moved across the road to the North Salem Methodist cemetery. As Ogram was Methodist in the 1871 census and McBride husband is buried at the Methodist cemetery also, it seems possible.

Alsfeldt Cemetery - Con. 6, Lot 11

Alsfeldt Cemetery is located on Concession 6, Lot 11 of Normanby Township in the county of Grey. Alsfeldt, first called FRANKFORT, had its first church in 1856 a log cabin, and in 1867 the first Church was erected with it became a part of the 'Normanby Circuit'. The cemetery burials were used in rows as needed plus had a children section too. In 1890 a fence and gate were also placed on the site. The fence, gates and some old pine trees have been removed.

Ayton Knox Presbyterian Church Cemetery

The History : The land was donated in 1858 by Mr. & Mrs. John Booth and supplied the lumber to build the first Church in 1870. The first deed was taken out in 1872, which included a cemetery to the west of the present Church. Some of the families names or members and officers included: Kernighan, Booth, Mearns, Wenger, Mitchell, McLean, Roedding, Reid, Ryan, Wilson, Watt, Hume, Easton, Fortune, Forbes and Kester. The first minister was Rev. James Nichol. The Church and cemetery is located on Victoria Street, Ayton next to the Catholic Church. In 1953 a cairn was dedicated to the memory of the pioneers to the present date. The names on the stones are: SIMON BARJOAH and part of the stone with the age and date of death is missing. ELIZABETH daughter of W. & E. LOUCHEED died August 11, 1872 aged 2 years, 3 months and 21 days " Not dead , but gone before". Isabella A. beloved daughter of Wm. & Jennet MITCHELL died 6 of November, 1866 . Aged 5 months, 9 days. In memory of Robert ENNIS who departed this life 8\18th Nov. 1869 aged 67 years. A native of Armagh, Ireland. Alice D. wife of Dasil R. Dillabough died Sept. 23, 1872. Aged 25 years, 6 months, 14 days. Note: C. Miller of Listowel created the stone.

Ayton Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery

The Cemetery is situated on the hill in the northeast corner of Ayton. The first burial was Friedrich Blasing in 1887. Surname list of those buried are: Adlam, Ahrens, Albrecht, Allensen, Alles, Aylott, Bartczak, Becker, Bieman, Birr, Blashing, Bruan, Brautigam, Brusso, Campbell, Conrad, Demmerling, Dickert, Dillabaugh, Eidt, Eifert, Eisenbach, Feick, Fischer, Fisher, Foerster, Frits, Frook, Fuehrer, Fulton, Gasell, Gassel, Gebhardt, Glauser, Glebe, Grien, Gutcher, Hahn, Harmel, Harris, Hartman, Hartwig, Hauch, Hildebrandt, Hill, Hopf, Horst, Huehn, Kalte, Keller, Knapp, Koehler, Kraft, Kreager, Kreller, Frueger, Huhl, Lanz, Lembke, Liesemer, Lippert, Loos, Lorenz, Loaxh, Lumsden, Maes, Maluski Manto, McDougall, McKeen, Metzger, Miller, Mills, Moore, Morris, Mueller, Neeb, Nuhn, Obrien Obenhack, Oehm, Pekel, Pfeffer, Planz, Pollock, Priebe, Rehkopf, Reiner, Roeder, Roseborough, Ruland, Ruppenthal, Sachs, Scheffer. Schaus, Schenk, Schilling, Schmidt, Schreiber, Schul, Schultz, Scott, Seifert, Seim, Seng, Stephen, Tone, Votier, Wagner, Weber, Weigel, Weiser, Weltz, Weppler, Wesch, Wettlaufer, Wiser, Wynn, Yandt, Yenssen, & Zinter.

Ayton Union Cemetery - Con. 10, Lot 15

The Ayton Union Cemetery is located on Concession 10 Lot 15 of Normanby Township, Grey county just north of the village of Ayton, Ontario. It was started in 1887 and was first known as 'Isaac Wenger Public Cemetery' which the name being changed to its present name in 1938.

St. Peter’s R. C. Cemetery - Ayton

This cemetery is located in the southwest corner of Ayton, over the bridge, past the mill and around the first curve of County Road 9. It is on the south side of Union Cemetery.

Chilton [Pfeffer] Cemetery - Con. 3, Lot 71

This one acre + site was donated by Henry Chilton, first known burial was 1862. Harry Chilton, Henry Braun and William Pfeffer cleared the cemetery land. The cemetery was registered as Pfeffer Cemetery in 1983.

Ayton Evangelical United Brethren Cemetery

This cemetery is located south of the public school yard on the west side of Augusta Street, Ayton. It is divided into two sections; Children and Adults. Surname List: Ariss, Becker, Bender, Blanck, Cotterman, Damm, Derbecker, Dickert, Dietrick, Dreier, Domm, Eckel, Feick, Filsinger, Fisher, Holm, Gehulz, George, Graser, Gretzenger, Hahn, Holm, Ketterman, Koening, Koerhler, Koening, Kohler, Konig, Kraft, Kreller, Lang, Liesemer, Lanz, Miller, Mogk, Morley, Riddle, Roedding, Rubach, Schaefer, Schreiber, Reiner, Schaab, Schurger, Smith, Scwass, Stephan, Traus, Ulrich, Warnke, Webb, White, Yandt and Yost.

Hampden Cemetery : Concession 18 Lot 21

Thomas Geddes two sons died and were buried in the south west corner of his farm. The boys names were Ebenezer who died June 11, 1861 aged 4 years and Andrew who died just four days later at the tender age of three. Geddes offered One and one-half acres of ground free of charge to the neighbours for a burying ground if they would put up a fence around this plot. Each person who assisted with the fence would have a title to nine feet or the equivalent of 3 graves. The following are names of people who built the fence: Byers, Young, Kerr, McKinnie, Geddes, Sharp, Hopf, Elliott, Nichol and Smith. If anyone else wished to purchase a burial site of three plots the fee was $2.00. In 1965 P.C. fund was started. This active and well maintain cemetery is located east of Saugeen Conservation Authority .

Lauderbach Lutheran Cemetery - Con. 5, Pt. Lot 6

St. James Cemetery - Lauderbach - is on land taken from the farm of George KREUZER. The earliest burial was 1857.

Maplewood Cemetery - Con. 1, Lot 7

In 1841 first mention of Maplewood was made in history books at Concession 1 Lot 7 of Normanby Township, facing the Garafraxa Road ( highway #9). August 26, 1866 Normanby township obtained a Crown deed for this ten-acre lot. The chapel that now stands was erected in 1948 in memory of veterans of the first and second World Wars. The chapel was dedicated August 4, 1948.

Mount Pleasant Cemetery - Con. 5, Lot 24

Formerly known as Calderwood Cemetery, this cemetery is now called Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Records show that in 1885 Robert Jeffery and his wife sold an quarter of an acre in the NE corner for $1.00. The first burial was that of John Jeffery son of William who died September 20, 1857 aged eight years.

Negro Cemetery - Con. 3, Lot 50, East 1/2

It is not known as to how many people were buried at this site as some of the headstones were stolen a number of years ago. All that is left are two headstones of the Gant family.

Old Zion Cemetery - Ayton

This cemetery is found just north of the Knox Presbyterian Church and its cemetery on a fine, well kept lot. The Church is gone but what remains is a cement pad in the shape of a cross with almost every stone in German. Surnames of those buried there are: Maer, Dorr, Brand, Roeder, Hartman, Schultz, Weisz, Goll, Gonder, Becker, Seim, Gremm, Eisenbach, Demmerling, Schul, Eiffert, Millar, Fischer, Ebrenau, Glasser, Weis, Hahn, Keller, Goll, Nuhn, Schierholz, Weidenhammer, Feik, Loos, Knoblauch, and Kraft.

Orchardville Catholic Cemetery - Con. 1, Lot 12

This two acre plot was used for burials of early Catholic settlers from Durham, Ayton, and Mount Forest until each of these parishes obtained is own burial ground. This cemetery is also known as "Union Cemetery" and "Chapel Hill". The earliest burial that was recorded was that of Edward McIntee in 1840. The large white cross was installed by William J. Smith and his twin brother John. The cemetery was closed in 1969 with its last interment being William J. Smith. The cemetery was restored in 1985. Surname list of those buried are: HANDRAHANS, O'BRIEN, HICKEY, McCARTHY, MOONEY, ALLAN, KEAIS, HEALY-McSWEENELY, SCOLES, SMITH/KELLY, HEANEY, GOLDEN, GRAY,O'RILEY, McGRATH, KAIRNS, McNAMARA, GARVEY, MOHAN, WINNIFORD, TROY, and MORRISON.

St. Paul's Lutheran Cemetery - Con. 12, Lot 12

In 1859 one acre of land, across from the Church was donated by Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Hollinger. Here the first GERMAN Lutheran Setters in the area were buried. The first burial was Maria Frohlich in 1856. Some names in the cemetery are: HAAK, WEBER, WEBER BAETZ , HILL, KNAPP, HOPF, KROLLER, WEIGEL, WEPPLER, PETER, HOLM, BRUK, RUPPENTHAL, DEMMERLING, AND ORTMANN . This is just a small list of names Most of the above names are related.

St. Pauls Lutheran Cemetery - Neustadt

This cemetery is located just south of the village of Neustadt on the east side of the road. Some of the tombstones have been collected together and mounted on a cement base at the back of the cemetery on the left side. Surnames of those buried there are: Aberle, Abliger, Albrecht, Alcock, Allenson, Ashley, Ashworth, Badertscher, Badertscher, Baetz, Bailley, Backer, Berche, Binkle, Birkholtz, Borth, Brehm, Brohm, Brown, Brummer, Dahmer, Demerling, Dieberl, Dietrich, Dietsche, Dimmel, Doffer, Drumm, Eckstien, Eidt, Erhmill, Fager, Fankhausen, Fidler, Filsinger, Fischer, Fleet, Foerster, Forler, Foster, Frey, Gaukel, Geib, Gerber, Gerbracht, Gies, Glasser, Glebe, Gobel, Goetske, Graef, Gruz?, Gutzke, Gunther, Haak, Hackbart, Haehnel, Hafermeehl, Haferhehl, Hammer, Harback, Hauser, Heimbecker, Heise, Helwig, Herbert, Herbst, Herr, Hildgendorff, Hill, Hilrothsy, Himmler, Hinrich, Hollanbach, Hollinger, Hopf, Horst, Huehn, Huether, Hutchison, Ingran, Jocobi, Jucksch, Juergens, Kaiser, Kauf, Kaufman, Klages, Klemp, Klempp, Knapp, Koester, Kopas, Kreager, Kreller, Kreuzmisser, Krhon, Kuester, Kuhl, Lancaster, Lantz, Laumann, Lea, Limpert, Lismer, Loos, Lusch, Mackey, McCormick, Mier, Merkel, Mesz, Miller, Molitor, Monk, Moral, Mothersell, Muller, Nearkarth, Nelson, Nester, Nicolia, Niebur, Niemieir, Niemier, Nuesel, Ortman, Ortwin, Pfaff, Pfeffer, Plantz, Pletch, Pohlman, Rebscher, Rehkopf, Reidt, Rimer, Rittinger, Rose, Rouser, Russel, Russwurn, Sandreczki, Schaus, Scheerer, Schilling, Schilling, Schmaltz, Schneirder, Schultz, Schwab, Seaman, Seeburger, Seim, Seng, Shafer, Shantz, Shope, Siemon, Smith,Tiette, Tiurick, Unger, Voltz.Volz, Wagner, Wahm, Walker, Watke, Weber, Webber, Weigel, Weinert, Wells, Weltz, Weppler, Westenhoefer, Westerman, Westermann, Wettlaufer, Widmeyer, Wiegand, Wiese, Willfang, Winkler, Wittich, Wolfe, Wolfram, Wright, Wunderlich, Yager, Yenssen, Youngblutt, Zimmerman, Zimmermann and Zuber.

St. Peters Lutheran Cemetery - Neustadt

This cemetery is north of the village of Neustadt on the east side of the road. It is just past the former railway tracks on the left side. The cemetery is divided into three sections. Surnames of people buried are: Abel, Aberle, Allensen, Amrell, Baetz, Becker, Bechardt, Bennett, Berkholtz, Bolden, Both, Brusso, Caper, Dahm, Denner, Dickert, Doerr, Duneman, Eckstein, Eidt, Ernel, Esch, Evers, Feick, Fidler, Filsinger, Fischer, Fleischmann, Foerster, Freitz, Fritz, Gaiser, Gebhardt,Gerhardt, Haak, Harmel, Heimbecker, Heise, Heidt, Hellberg, Helwig, Hwerzberger, Hessel, Hilgartner, Hill, Horfei, Hornby, Horsei, Horst, Hossfeld, Hubbard, Huehn, Huhn, Ische, Johannes, Karchner, Kaster, Kaufman, Kelsey, Kimmel, Klages, Kleier, Knapp, Kraft, Kreuger, Kummerl, Kyte, Lane, Lembke, Limperst, Pimpert, Losch, Luedke, Maas, MacPhaden, Maxwell, Merkel, Metzger, Miller, Mothersell, Mueller, Nicolai, Obenhart, Ohmeister, Orff, Pfeffer, Planz, Pohlman, Pohlmann, Prues, Puschinskic, Puschinsky, Rahn, Rehkropf, Reiner, Rentchlet, Ries, Roth, Rubagh, Puhl, Russel, Sander, Schilling, Schltz, Schultz, Schurmann, Seifert, Seigmann, Seip, Siegamnn, Stockman, Umrell, Urstadt, Voltz, Wagner, Walter, Weber, Weigel, Well, Welt, Weppler, Wesch, Widmeyer, Wilfand, Wiken, Willfang, Witter, Wolfe, Young & Zubler.

Single Grave - Con 3, Lot 67, W ½: Normanby

The headstone of this lone grave reads: William HOLMES, died January 20, 1885, aged 77 years. native of Yorkshire, England.


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