note: that there are spelling errors on my part and I welcome your corrections
Evangelical -MARRIAGES 1892-1900
Bride Surname Name /Groom's Surname Name /Marriage Date
Klemmer Catharine
Maurer Jacob Aug 2, 1892
Blaninford(?) Marg Heipel Geo Sept. 20 1892
Heist Melinda Killer Louis Sept 21 1893
Damm Catherine Huehn Henry Feb 14 1893
Heipel Sara Eckel Noah June 26 1893
Feick Catherine Domm/Damm
William Nov 21 1894
Readding Emma Baetz Conrad Dec 25 1894
Damm Elizabeth Lang Lewis Mar 5 1895
Susanna Bender John Mar 6 1895
Feick Fanny Wilker Franklin E. Mar 12 1895
Koening(?) Liz Drier John Feb 26
Kutz Minnie Reading Henry March ? 1895
Waruke Maria Franck Salomon Oct ? 1895
Dippel Wilhelmina
Roedding Louis Dec 31 1895
Miller Christine Valziay Louis Mar 24 1896
Damm Lydianne (?) Eickmerier Daniel
March 18,1896
Cringer Marg Angst John June 15 1896
Koening Anna Damm Henry Feb 3 1897
Drier Anna Dippel
Louis March 16 1897
Dippel Maria Heipel Jacob March 18 1897
Damm Caroline Liesemer/Lisemer William E. March
25 1897
Damm Leah Pletsch John Oct 27 1897
Schneider Regina Koening/Koing Charles Dec 21 1897
Louisa Behrns Henry Jan 4 1899
Koenig Mary Valzing George March 7 1899
Schmidt Maryanne Heist John H Oct 25
Heist Susanna Angst Samuel Nov 21 1899
Filsinger Emma Drier Wilhelm Nov 28 1899
Miller Catherine
Reist Allen Jan 30 1900
Holtsermann Christine Drier Heinrick Jan.9 1900
Fischer Catherine Fischer Jacob K
Mar 20 1900
Feick Caroline Derbecker Conrad March 27,1900
Normanby Township,
Grey County
#006650-99 (Grey Co): John
BAETZ, 34, farmer, Normanby, same, s/o Conrad BAETZ & Catherine SCHONK, married Mary KAUFMAN, 21, Carrick, same, d/o Conrad
KAUFMAN & Catherine KESTORLING?, witn: Peter KAUFMAN of Carrick & Barbara WITTIG of Normanby, 19 Sept 1899 at St.
Pauls Church (Lutheran), Normanby
#006651-99 (Grey Co): Conrad BECKER, 21, farmer, Normanby, same, s/o John BECKER
& Katie KRAFT, married Maria PFEFFER, 20, Normanby, same, d/o Henry PFEFFER & Catherine BRAUN, witn: Frederick ROLOFF
& Dorothea PFEFFER, both of Normanby, 10 Oct 1899 at Normanby
#006658-99 (Grey Co): William DRESER?, 23, farmer,
Normanby, same, s/o John DRESER & Margaret JOST, married Emma FILSINGER, 20, Normanby, same, d/o Conrad FILSINGER &
Caroline RE--?, witn: Henry DRESER of Normanby & Christina HOLTZMAN of Mildmay?, 28 Nov 1899 at Ayton
(Grey Co): John FISCHER, 24, farmer, Normanby, same, s/o Valentine S. FISCHER & Barbara OLINHACK?, married Adeline BECKER,
17,Normanby, same, d/o Philip BECKER & Catherine WELTZ, witn: Valentine FISCHER of Normanby & Katie WELTZ of Carrick,
14 Nov 1899 at Normanby
#006657-99 (Grey Co): Andrew FULTON, 30, farmer, Normanby, same, s/o Thomas & Jane, married
Isabella HENDERSON, 23, Normanby, same, d/o George HENDERSON & Grace MILLIGAN, witn: John G. REDFORD of Bentinck &
Maggie HENDERSON of Normanby, 22 Nov 1899 at Normanby
#006654-99 (Grey Co): Daniel GEIB, 24, farmer, Normanby, same,
s/o Valentine GEIB & Margaret WAGNER, married Caroline KNAPP, 18, Normanby, same, d/o Daniel KNAPP & Dorothea RIES,
witn: Jacob SCHAUS & Emily KNAPP, both of Normanby, 14 Nov 1899 at Normanby
#006655-99 (Grey Co): Frank HEINSMAN,
22, laborer, Normanby, Newstadt, s/o Frank HEINSMAN & Katherine PFEFFER, married Therese WESTENHOEFER,23, Normanby, Newstadt,
d/o John WESTENHOEFER & Barbara PFEFFER, witn: Joseph WESTENHOEFER of Newstadt & Regina PFEFFER of Hanover, 19 Nov
1899 at Normanby
#006656-99 (Grey Co): Albert KOCH, 25, laborer, Sandusky USA, Newstadt, s/o Andrew KOCH & Katherine
SCHMULTZ, married Katharina ECKSTEIN, 21,Normanby, same, d/o Daniel N. ECKSTEIN & Maria AMRELL, witn: Edward KOCH of Bentinck
twp., & Adeline ECKSTEIN of Normanby, 21 Nov 1899 at Normanby
006648-99 (Grey Co): John MARRS, 24, laborer,
Canada, Ayton, s/o Joseph MARRS & Margaret DONALDSON, married Ellen GREEN, 24, Canada, Ayton, d/oFrancis GREEN & Mary
Ann OFARRELL, witn: Patrick MORRIS & Mary OFARRELL, both of Normanby, 19 July 1899 at Ayton (Rom Cath)
(Grey Co): James MURPHY, 35, farmer, Normanby, same, s/o James MURPHY & Margaret LANE, married Alice OBRIEN, 26, Normanby,
same,d/o John OBRIEN & Mary SHEEHY, witn: Charles MURPHY & Mary OBRIEN, both of Normanby, 29 Nov 1899 at Ayton, Normanby
006646-99 (Grey Co): Ludwig WAGNER, 25, farmer, Carrick twp., same, s/o Frederick WAGNER & Sophie KOESTER,
married Margaret BRENTIGAM?, 25,Normanby, same, d/o Michael BRENTIGAM & B. KISHEL, witn: John WELTZ of Normanby &
Emma LOOS of Newstadt, 2 March 1898 at Normanby (Lutheran)
16799-00 (Wellington Co): Alexander GRIERSON, 33, farmer,
Bentinck, same, s/o Nathaniel & Isabella, married Elizabeth REHKOPF, 20, Normanby Grey Co., same, d/o William REHKOPF
& Sophia NICHOLIS, witn: E.L. & Kate YOUNG of Clifford, 28 May 1900 at Clifford
16800-00 (Wellington Co):
Gordon McINTOSH, 35, farmer, Carrick twp., same, s/o Alexander McINTOSH & Barbara GUNN, married Emma NEWTON, 28,Minto
twp., Normanby twp., d/o George NEWTON & Emily BARKER, witn: Agnes G. & Mary SMITH of Clifford, 6 June 1900 at Clifford
#007358-01 (Grey Co): Robert LAWREY, 38, widower, farmer, Normanby twp., Bruce Co., s/o Thomas LAWREY & Margaret
FORMAN, married Sarah EDWARDS,34, widow, Normanby twp., same, d/o John TORY & Eliza WILSON, witn: Maggie McARTHUR &
Mrs. B. WARNER, both of Durham, 2 Oct 1901 at Durham
#007449-02 (Grey Co): George Alexander MITCHELL, 29, farmer,
Normanby, same, s/o John MITCHELL & Barbara RUXTON, married Catherine ECKHART, 23,Glenelg, same, d/o John ECKHART &
Lucy SEELEY, witnesses were Henry ECKHART & Anna LAWRENCE, both of Glenelg, March 12, 1902 at Artemesia
(Bruce) : Charles G. YANDT, 25, farmer, Minto twp., Carrick, s/o Chas YANDT & Catherine HERMAN, married Catherine JENSEN,
28, Normanbytwp., same, d/o Charles JENSEN & Louise PREISO?, witn: Fred C. & Catherine MEYER of Carrick, 8 Oct 1902
at Carrick
#004884-1904 (Bruce Co): SCHWAB ?, Robert, 30, labourer, Tp of Normanby, Durham, s/o Geo -RABB & Jeanella
GRAY, married Mary ARD, 18, Tp of Normanby, Amabel Tp d/o E. J. ARD & Ellen J. BALL; witnesses were Milton ARD, of Tp
Amabel, Nellie ---ABB, of Durham. 28 Dec 1904 at Amabel. Need help on this one. Other sources suggest this last name may
be Schwab
#005043-11 (Grey): Wm Alfred SHIEL, 22, farmer, of Normanby twp., s/o Alexander SHIEL (farmer) & Louisa
DRIER, married Emily May AMMERMAN, 22,of Normanby twp., d/o Alfred AMMERMAN (farmer) & Henrietta HOLIDAY, witn: Mrs. D.
CURRIE & Mrs. John Armstrong, both of Mt. Forest, 8 March 1911 at Normanby twp.
County of Wellington, Division
of Erin. On Dec 26th 1871, in Erin, by Chas. E. Stafford, by License. William OWENS, 28,
of and born Normanby, Ont., bachelor, farmer, Wes Meth; parents Robert & Hellen OWENS. Matilda McKEOWN, 30, of Erin, Ont.,
born Toronto, spinster, Wes. Meth; parents David & Mary
Ann McKEOWN. Witnesses were Joseph McKeown & Sarah Ann Lesslie, both of Erin.
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