Normanby Township : Archives

Normanby : Some Residents circa 1880

Normanby Births
Normanby Births
Normanby Births
Births: A-C [Carrick, Howick , Minto & Normanby]
Births: D-H [Carrick, Howick , Minto & Normanby]
Births: K-Z [Carrick, Howick , Minto & Normanby]
Normanby Baptisms A-G
Normanby Baptisms G-K
Normanby Baptisms K-S
Normanby Baptism : S-Y
Normanby Deaths
Marriages: Normanby
Normanby Township Marriages
Married or from Alsfeldt, Normanby Twsp
1851 Canada West /Normanby Township census
Normanby Township History & Ratepayers of 1861
Normanby Ratepayers 1861 cont'd
Normanby Township 1867 Surnames
Normanby:- Voters List 1874
Normanby : Some Residents circa 1880
Normanby Township 1881 census
Normanby Township 1881 census Part 2
Normanby Township 1881 census Part 3
1881 Normanby Census Part 4
Ayton Residents: 1901
Ayton History
Neustadt [Newstadt] History
Orchard/Orchardville History
Cemeteries : Normanby Township
Chapel Hill Cemetery M.I. Normanby Twsp.
St. James Church Normanby: Remembered
St. Paul's Church, Normanby: Membership List 1934
Surnames of Interest for BMD ( outside area)
BMD of Interest ( within area)
Wightman Telephone
Where to find information :Normanby
Map of Normanby
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Last Name Caldwell
First Name H.
Dates b. 1857
Nativity Normanby Tp., Ontario, Canada
Business General merchant; Telegraph and post office
Year Settled 1864
Post Office Orchard
Town Orchardville
Township Normanby
County Grey
Atlas Date 1880
Last Name Caldwell
First Name T.
Dates b. 1851
Nativity Puslinch Tp., Ontario, Canada
Business General merchant; Telegraph and post office
Year Settled 1864
Post Office Orchard
Town Orchardville
Township Normanby
County Grey
Atlas Date 1880

Last Name First Name County Township Town Occupation Birthplace
Brown  W.  Grey  Normanby  Ayton Teacher, school section 5  York Co., Ontario, Canada 
Jenkins  Arthur H.V.  Grey  Normanby  Ayton Public school teacher  Notthingham Park, England 
McCarty  William  Grey  Normanby  Ayton Teacher  Sydenham Tp., Grey Co., Canada 
Smith  Robert  Grey  Normanby  Ayton Merchant; Postmaster, Ayton  

Last-Name/ First Name/ County/ Township/ Town /Occupation/ Birthplace
Busche  George  Grey  Normanby  Neustadt Hotel-keeper  Baden, Germany 
Heimbacher  George  Grey  Normanby  Neustadt Carpenter  Canada 
Heimbacher  Henry  Grey  Normanby  Neustadt Woollen manufacturer;
Musical composer; Bandmaster, Neustadt band  Efia, Germany 
Hoffman  Henry  Grey  Normanby  Neustadt Jeweller, dealer in watches,
clocks and organs; Agent, Royal Sewing Company  Mecklenburg, Germany 
Incksch  August  Grey  Normanby  Neustadt Cabinetmaker; Lumber manufacturer
Incksch  Ferdinand J.  Grey  Normanby  Neustadt Painter  Prussia 
Klein  John  Grey  Normanby  Neustadt Publisher and editor, The Canada National Zeitung
McEdward  Alex S.  Grey  Normanby  Neustadt Postmaster;
Issuer of Marriage licenses; Justice of the Peace  Morristown, Wellington Co., Canada 
Plempp  John P.  Grey  Normanby  Neustadt Hotel keeper  Ontario Co., Canada 
Rogers  G.L.  Grey  Normanby  Neustadt Dentist  
Rolston  David S.  Grey  Normanby  Neustadt Photographer
 Simcoe Co., Ontario, Canada 
Schwalm  Isadore  Grey  Normanby  Neustadt Cabinet maker
 Berlin, Waterloo Co., Ontario, Canada 
Scott  J.W.  Grey  Normanby  Neustadt Teacher, Village of Neustadt
  Carrick Tp., Ontario, Canada 
Vogt  George  Grey  Normanby  Neustadt Hotel keeper, Neustadt
 Saxe Weimar, Germany 
Walm  Charles & Bros.  Grey  Normanby  Neustadt Manufacturers,
agricultural implements  
Wiegand  George R.  Grey  Normanby  Neustadt Tailor  Canada 
Winkler  William  Grey  Normanby  Neustadt Proprietor, Flour and saw mill
; 2nd Deputy Reeve  Canada 


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